The multilingual chatbot’s seamless accessibility on WhatsApp opens up a new guest support channel for Air India, helping travellers to ask questions across a wide spectrum of over 1300 travel-related topics and access a host of features. Through a simple WhatsApp chat, Air India guests will now be able to easily check real-time flight status and baggage information, download boarding pass or get a copy of their e-tickets, select seats, check the status of customer support requests generated online, and ask many other common questions, without having to call the airline’s customer contact centre.
Catering to a growing base of Air India’s customers around the world, AI.g speaks four languages: Hindi, English, French, and German. Guests can chat with AI.g using the WhatsApp number +91 96670 34444.
The accessibility and immediacy of WhatsApp align perfectly with our vision for customer service – we want to be where our guests are, providing them with instant, relevant information and assistance at their fingertips, 24/7
Rajesh Dogra, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Air India
“At Air India, we’re constantly innovating to make every touchpoint in the travel journey seamless and delightful for our guests,” says Rajesh Dogra, Chief Customer Experience Officer, Air India. “Bringing AI.g to WhatsApp is a testament to that commitment. The accessibility and immediacy of WhatsApp align perfectly with our vision for customer service – we want to be where our guests are, providing them with instant, relevant information and assistance at their fingertips, 24/7.”
The use of Generative AI technology helps AI.g to understand what travellers ask and answer in a normal, friendly way. AI.g can learn from questions it can’t immediately answer, which helps it to become more efficient and effective over time. This means you get your answers faster in an automated fashion for things like booking, baggage allowance or changing your flights. This frees up the Air India team to help with complex and value-adding interactions.
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