Big tech to bigger tech with AI: Money pours in, AI gets better & vice versa

19 hours ago
Navanwita Bora Sachdev

With money pouring in, we’re likely to see a lot more from big tech’s AI portfolio. From a race towards…

Gen AI is done being in just apps, its next target? Take over the hardware

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been disrupting almost every industry with super apps, chatbots, and data analytics. Now, everyday gadgets are…

20 hours ago

How the Gen Al impact extends beyond cloud computing to various industries

Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI), often abbreviated as Gen AI, has become the focus of interest in the tech world…

22 hours ago

CrowdStrike incident warning that diversity in Internet provider service a good idea

In the light of the recent CrowdStrike incident, it’s a good idea to look at how much dependency there is…

2 days ago

CrowdStrike outage: Reasons, analysis & precautions

19th July will go down in history as the day the world stood still. A harmless software update from Texas…

3 days ago

Skilling & upskilling in AI & ML amid fears of job loss and talent shortage

With Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) increasing integration into core business operations, organisations are recognising the demand for dedicated AI leadership positions.…

4 days ago

India attracts businesses in telecom, web3, automobile, IT & AI

The Tech Panda takes a look at how India has been attracting foreign businesses from business hubs like Germany, US,…

4 days ago

First-ever Olympic Esports Games coming in 2025 to Saudi Arabia

In a historic move, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that the inaugural Olympic Esports Games will take place in Saudi…

1 week ago

Investment temperament: Early-stage startups, Indian Onchain ecosystem, financing for marketing industry & MSMEs

Investments in MSMEs and startups are not always in the form of funding. Sometimes, the ecosystem needs support to hone…

1 week ago

Will Gen-AI replace human creativity in content creation, or is there perfect balance?

The meteoric rise of generative AI (Gen-AI) has stirred conundrums across industries on whether machines can truly replicate the artistic…

1 week ago