Venus journeys across the Sun today, VenusTransit App will help you record it

13 years ago

For the last time in 105 years, viewers around the world can see Venus transverse the sun. A new app…

Aircel slashes 3G data card tariffs

13 years ago

Intensifying the price war in the third-generation, or 3G, space, mobile phone company Aircel on Monday launched new price plans. Aircel claims…

Sony allows HTC to make devices that run Playstation games

13 years ago

Sony said  that Taiwanese manufacturer HTC will produce devices that can run PlayStation games, the first time Sony has allowed…

Facebook Will Disappear by 2020, Says Analyst

13 years ago

Facebook‘s sliding stock price has at least one hedge fund manager predicting a dismal decade ahead for the social network.…

Get Paid to Write a Review at

13 years ago, an e-commerce venture by Spice Group is running a deal where customers who purchase either a Samsung Galaxy S3,…

Goodbye to Zune, Hello Xbox Music

13 years ago

Goodbye Zune, and hello Xbox Music. Microsoft previewed its new music service at the annual E3 Electronic Entertainment Expo in…

How To Appear Offline to Specific People on Facebook

13 years ago

Since the past few months I have been staying offline in the Facebook chatbox not because I am unsocial or…

[Video] Lytro: The Light Field Camera, Shoot Now Focus Later

13 years ago

The Lytro Light Field Camera lets you take pictures in which you can adjust the focus after you have taken…

Parents are twice as better in picking passwords than teens

13 years ago

Computer users over the age of 55 employ passwords that are twice as secure as passwords used by those under…