FindYogi had launched a fresh interface in June this year with the mobile and tablet category. The web application helps make decision making easier by cutting through all the technical jargons and quantifying every product under the Feature Score. Additionally, the application uses proprietary data analysis system to suggest if the current price of a product is justified as compared to peers.The new category is on the lines of adding more standard product categories.
NamanSarawagi, CEO of FindYogi said, “We have been able to launch this category in flat 2 weeks of work. This is a big proof of our strength to move fast. We intend to launch couple of more categories in the consumer electronics space over the next few months before moving into other product domains.”
The laptops category has been launched with a catalogue of 400 products. These products are analysed for about 100 technical specification points. The catalogue size will be expanded and there will be more refinement in data over the next few days.
About FindYogi: is a buying decision platform from Bangalore based startup Wowway Labs. The company was founded in October 2012 and is a currently an 8 people strong company. The company launched it’s product first in December 2012. FindYogi aims to be the most comprehensive consumer platform for making buying decisions.
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