Price List

Note: We are still populating the price list. Please keep checking for updates.

Smartphones (Rs 25,001 and above)

[table]Manufacturer, Model,Price (India),Price (US),Price (Singapore)

Nokia,808 PureView,Rs 31299,$695, S$ 750

Samsung, Galaxy S3, Rs 38900, $660, S$

HTC, One X, Rs 36099, $550, S$

HTC, One S, Rs 33590, $540, S$

Blackberry, Bold 9900, Rs 33099, $420, S$


Smartphones (Rs 20,000 – Rs 25,000)

[table]Manufacturer, Model,Price (India),Price (US),Price (Singapore)

Nokia,Lumia 800,Rs 21999,$ 380,S$ 550


High-Value Phones (Rs 15,000 – Rs 25,000)

[table]Manufacturer, Model,Price (India),Price (US),Price (Singapore)

Nokia,Lumia 710,Rs 14200,$ 250,S$ 350

Nokia,N8,Rs 18250,$ 290,S$ 400


Mid-Value Phones (Rs 5,000 – Rs 15,000)

[table]Manufacturer, Model,Price (India),Price (US),Price (Singapore)



Budget Phones (Upto Rs 5,000)

[table]Manufacturer, Model, Price (India),Price (US),Price (Singapore)

