Last Friday, the Indian Government launched the pilot e-gov app store. The app store, developed and hosted by the Department of Electronic and Information Technology (DeitY) through NIC, aims to create a common repository of apps, components and web services that can be used by all government agencies and departments. Also, apps, which can be replicated across central and state levels, will be hosted on cloud for easy access.
Following are the objectives for setting up the eGov AppStore:
• Speeding up the development and deployment of eGov applications
• Easy replication of successful applications across States
• Avoid duplication of effort and cost in development of similar application
• Ensure availability of certified applications following common standards at one place
The app store basically works like any other app store allowing users to search for apps, provide basic information and take ratings and feedback. It has a two-level approval process for contributing apps and only authenticated users can download the apps.
According to an official statement, “A complete eco-system will be established (including mechanism for funding, charge back, contract management, SLAs).” The project is part of the GI Cloud initiative of the government.
“The app store will enable citizens to receive services in a more streamlined manner. Inclusion of IT in governance aims to reduce uncertainty and improve transparency,” said Kapil Sibal, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, on the occasion.
In due course, this eGov AppStore will be augmented to include applications and components developed by various departments and agencies at Centre and States and private players; and a complete eco-system will be established (including mechanism for funding, charge back, contract management, SLAs) and will become a part of the GI Cloud initiative under Government of India.
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