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         “Give a man a mask and he’ll tell you everything.


A very famous quote by Oscar Wilde is finding it’s way across the Internet in the form of anonymous social networking sites that are taking the world over by storm. IN 90s there was a site called “Just A Tip” that allowed you to send tips to various people acoss the world anonymously. A great idea, vastly ahead of it’s time. Fast-forwarding to 2014, the times have changed, the mindsets have changed. The craze for anonymity is growinig and to bank on this, a great number of networking sites and applications are finding their way into our lives.


We’ve compiled such a list for all you wanna be anonymous users to start posting stuff with a mask. Do you know any of these?


1) The Experience Project

experience project

Experience Project is a place that allows users to share experiences and stories on to which other users can comment and provide support all the while being anonymous. A mobile app has also been released.


2) Duvamis


A purely anonymous website, Duvamis wants artists, creationers, intellectuals to take over the web with their great ideas and concepts. It’s name comes from a Greek word which means inner power, opportunity and potential.


3) Whisper App


Whisper is an anonymous app that banks on images and anonymity to connect people. Without a standard login process, the app lets you know that it means business and that no personal details are required. Although only images and text forms such as memes are allowed, it does have a great deal of market and it’s popularity is growing massively across generations.

Android Link         iOS link


4) Secret App


Secret is the latest entrant to the growing list of anonymous social networks and is currently the most popular of all. Unlike other anonymous social networks, Secret only shows you posts from your contacts and sometimes also the posts from friends of your contacts. A heart icon indicates likeness of your post and it is then shared to your contacts and thus it grows on and on.

Android link          iOS Link


5) Banter App


More like a chat messaging service than a proper anonymous social network, Banter transports you to the world of AOL mail and IRC where anonymity thrives. In Banter, users can chat on topics they prefer and thus without providing any of the personal details a good, lengthy and fun discussion can occur between like minded users. Still new, Banter has yet to get as many users as other services, but it is a strong entrant into the anonymous world.


6) Pencourage


To tap into the anonymous market, another social network Pencourage allows you to post anonymously. Even the founders of this network are anonymous and pride themselves in the fact that 90% of the content on Pencourage is supportive and full of encouragement.


7) YikYak

Yik Yak

Another entrant into the anonymous app market, YikYak has got pretty stiff reviews due to it’s high usage among teens and underage cowd despite the warning flashed of Over-Rated content. YikYak lets users post small texts anonymously but instead it allows people to view the exact location from where the post was uploaded, hence being anonymous only be personal details and not location wise. Many reviews have been harsh and some of the uploads on the feeds are pretty nasty. Well, two sides to a coin. Anonymity can bring out the encouragement as well the bullishness in us.


8) Social Number

social number

Social number is a networking site where users can create groups to discuss varied issues without registering or revealing their identity, thus connecting with like minded people worldwide under the cloak of anonymity.


9) ChronicleMe

CHronicle Me

A different approach to all the anonymity in the world, ChronicleMe divides the posts between CMe Laugh and CMe Support. Cme Laugh is a fun, humorous space,whereas CMe Support allows users to read touching and personal posts whilst giving emotional and textual support to the posters, all the while being anonymous. Only positive support can be given through ChronicleMe using abbreviations like  IFFY (I feel for you), Hi5, NVU (I envy you) and ICU (I completely understand).


10)CoExist 2012


Probably the only social network that has a crowdfunded support. A pretty cool UI with all the basic requirements of an anonymous social network requirements. Anyone can visit the website, read through the posts, view the images, watch the videos, listen to the music, and even download the files.

Have you used any of these anonymous networks?  Tell us in the comments.


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