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Mobile apps come to our rescue in many instances on a single day. From the simplest mobile games to weather apps, they help us plan our days or take a break from the monotony.

Although we’ve seen many apps that have ventured into making to-do-lists and maintaining them this app seems to have inched ahead with a few unique features. The App has a very user friendly interface and it’s simple.

All of us are chasing time every day. And irrespective of the fields we work in we all have busy days. The edge the app has is its perfect design and gesture based user action acceptance. Adding a task to the existing list of items involves a simple scroll, pinch and swipe action from the user. Deletion requires a simple swipe in the opposite direction to addition of an item. Changing the order require tap and drag operation.

Clear appclear app

The best part is the color-coding. Yes. Like how we prioritize mails with icons, you can prioritize the tasks with colors. Users do not have to pick colors, dragging and placing them will make the app automatically assign colors to them.

It has a variety of lists a user can make, personal to-do lists, shopping lists, list of movies one plans to watch over a week, guest lists and many more.

It seems to be designed specifically for the iphones. But they seem to be venturing into other environments too. The app can be downloaded on iTunes.

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