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Gecko is cute little Bluetooth device that operates on a coin sized cell and has a capability of being your in house personal assistant. It can be your Remote control for your mobile and Sound Systems, Location tracker, Motion Detector, Virtual Medication Monitor, Remote Camera Trigger and you can even track your pet and toddlers if they try to sneak out of the house or get stuck under the bed.

Watch the video:


Let me give you a little basic insight, how it works is, you need to connect the little gecko tags to your devices, wallets, toddlers and pets and use your gestures to trigger, control and track using Gecko.


It offers various kinds of Gesture based controls:

  • Shake Once
  • Shake Twice
  • Turn It Left
  • Turn It Right


That’s not All:

If you have lost something beyond a 100 foot radius, you can give a shout on the Gecko poratl and the community will find it for you and you can even include your friends and people you know no matter they own a Gecko or not.

geckoIf your friends have the Gecko app installed, they can help you by pointing out to the Geo location where your stuff has been found.

The Team:

The Bangalore-based team behind Gecko has been working on it for the past 1 year and needs your support to reach the goal of $50,000. They have received $27,820 till now.

Gecko has even been mentioned in TechCrunch, 9t05Mac, Engadget and a contribution and tweet by Steve Wozniak.

Steve Wozniak

Do visit Gecko’s campaign on Indiegogo and let us know your feedback and if you would like to get in touch, you can contact them at their email id: [email protected].



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